And you do want to keep it in mind when interacting with various characters in the game. You want to pay attention to the icon that shows you where your house points are. You actually compete with the other houses to gain points in order to win the House Cup at the end of each term. In Hogwarts Mystery, the house cup is a legit thing.

Your XP also represents your story progression so it’s important when increasing your stats. When you level up you get different rewards like coins or gems which help your progress further into the game. Know your goals about XPĭoing any task in the game will award you XP.

It’s an effective way to get a solid result. You could even go onto Pottermore and take the official sorting hat quiz to determine your house for you if you’d like. So be sure you’re okay with whatever House you pick. Same goes for your Hogwarts House because there is only one sorting ceremony. But the gender stays the same for the entire game so you have to be sure when you choose it. You can make your character look any way you want through appearances. These two things are choosing your character’s gender and their Hogwarts House.

There are two choices you have to make in this game and they are two things that you cannot change later on. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: Kuhn Sidajj Shrine Guide 2.